Herzog OptiFlash® Pensky Martens
Easy, Safe and Accurate Flash Point Determination

The New Benchmark in Flash Point Analysis
PAC’s Herzog OptiFlash is the new benchmark in flash point analysis, fully designed to meet today’s expectations on user convenience, quality, and safety compliance.
The Optiflash accurately detects flashpoint up to 400°C for petroleum products, biodiesels, solvents, chemicals, fluxed bitumen, and food and beverages.
The OptiFlash is fully compliant with leading global standards.
Top Reasons to Choose OptiFlash®
High Safety Standards
Proven Performance
Improved Ease of Operation
Easy Cleaning

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Learn more about the new benchmark in flash point analysis.
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Renewable Fuel Testing Solution
OptiFash detects flashpoint accurately up to 400°C for petroleum products, biodiesels, solvents, chemicals, fluxed bitumen, and food and beverages.